Array ( [key] => group_6762ad9ce9d73 [title] => Header image settings [fields] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [key] => field_65aa53ecc0238 [label] => Header image [name] => uu_page_header_image [aria-label] => [type] => image [instructions] => Upload an image as header for this page. Recommended width is 2000px, the height is optional, but around 500px is a good starting point. [required] => 0 [conditional_logic] => 0 [wrapper] => Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) [return_format] => id [library] => all [min_width] => [min_height] => [min_size] => [max_width] => [max_height] => [max_size] => [mime_types] => [preview_size] => large ) [1] => Array ( [key] => field_65aa5466c0239 [label] => Disable header [name] => uu_page_disable_header [aria-label] => [type] => true_false [instructions] => Optionally you can remove the site header from this page. [required] => 0 [conditional_logic] => 0 [wrapper] => Array ( [width] => [class] => [id] => ) [message] => yes [default_value] => 0 [ui] => 0 [ui_on_text] => [ui_off_text] => ) ) [location] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [param] => post_type [operator] => == [value] => locations ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [param] => post_type [operator] => == [value] => events ) ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [param] => post_type [operator] => == [value] => glossary ) ) [3] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [param] => post_type [operator] => == [value] => portfolio ) ) [4] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [param] => post_type [operator] => == [value] => resources ) ) ) [menu_order] => 0 [position] => normal [style] => default [label_placement] => top [instruction_placement] => label [hide_on_screen] => [active] => 1 [description] => [show_in_rest] => 0 )
Raw data are the unprocessed data, the pure data which is as it is when collected, for instance non-anonymized interview audio, untransformed or uncleaned survey data, data directly from ECG’s etc. They tend to contain personal data. Different universities/faculties have different policies with regards to these data. Some require deletion after anonymization, others demand that they are archived as long as the sets derived from them. Ask your data manager what policy your university/faculty has.