We are proud to present the new staff education program of the Centre for Digital Humanities for January to June 2023. We again offer a diverse program with lectures and hands-on workshops on all kinds of different aspects of digital humanities. In addition to the regular workshops and lectures, we now also offer Extra Workshops and Tailor-made Workshops on request.
Attendance to CDH courses and workshops (not the webinars) will be compensated by the Centre for Digital Humanities in terms of DCU (22 hours = 1 DCU). The DCU’s will be automatically settled with your department at the end of each course.
16 February
CDH hybrid lecture: Humanities and AI – One answer to a million questions?

The general current perspective from the field of Artificial Intelligence on language can be summarised as ‘an endless stream of very interesting data’. But does this extremely data-driven approach bring answering the grand old theoretical questions on language any closer? During this duo presentation, professor Antal van den Bosch and assistant professor Dong Nguyen will discuss from their own different perspectives – Humanities and Computer Science – the impact of the latest Artificial Intelligence developments on linguistics and the field of digital humanities in general.
Read more & register7 March
CDH workshop: Social media data – introductory 4CAT course for humanities staff

In this workshop, Sander Prins and Jeroen Bakker, researchers at Data School, will introduce you to social media data collection and analysis. After this hands-on session, you will be able to gather social media data yourselves. They will be using 4CAT: Capture and Analysis Toolkit, which doesn’t require any programming experience.
Read more & register16 March
CDH hybrid lecture: An introduction to Automatic Speech Recognition

During this lecture, Arjan van Hessen, researcher language and speech technology, will talk about the possibilities of using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). He will explain the (im)possibilities of the current speech recognizers, how ASR works and what will (hopefully) change in the coming months. If there is sufficient interest, two follow-up workshops will be scheduled after this lecture in which participants can apply speech recognition to their own material.
Read more & register21 March
CDH workshop: Getting started with network visualization – introductory Gephi course for humanities staff

The image on the left is a network visualization of one and a half million tweets. In this workshop, Jeroen Bakker, junior researcher at Data School, will introduce you to network analysis and visualization using Gephi. After this hands-on session, you will be able to conduct a network research on a large dataset.
Read more & register23 March
CDH webinar: The datafication of race-ethnicity in Dutch governmental databases

For his PhD research, Gerwin van Schie delved into the data systems of Dutch government bodies to look at the algorithms used there. He focused on the way Dutch immigrant populations are ‘datafied’ by various societal institutions. Dutch governmental classifications are based on immigrants’ former nationality and that of their parents and often relate to the colonial history of the Netherlands or their country of birth. During this webinar, he will talk about the results and the methods he has used.
Read more & register4, 11, 18 & 25 April
CDH workshop: Entry level course Python in four days for humanities staff

This four-day entry level course in Python is designed for humanities teachers and researchers who want to learn the foundations of Python in order to write simple programs using the most common structures. No previous programming experience is needed. The course will be given by scientific developers of the Digital Humanities Lab. During this course, it is possible to work with your own dataset.
Read more & register15 May
CDH workshop: Basics of Statistics – Hands-on training day for humanities staff

During this one day hands-on training, intended for researchers and teachers in the humanities, prof. Hugo Quené and research assistant Kirsten Schutter will learn you the basics of statistical data analysis. They will start with core concepts and principles, followed by how to describe statistical properties of data, choose and perform statistical tests.
Read more & register23 May
UB & CDH workshop: Transkribus and Optical Character Recognition

Thanks to improvements in AI, printed and handwritten texts can now be read almost perfectly by computers, using software for Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). During this demo-workshop the Digital Humanities support team at the University Library will demonstrate and teach how to use OCR software and the Transkribus platform on example texts or material from your own research. Note: the CDH has purchased a Transkribus subscription that gives all UU-staff a big discount to this service.
Read more & register