Vote for the Carla Atzema Soroptimistprijs

The article ‘Misogynie als politiek wapen‘, for which Joris Veerbeek and Sahra Mohamed conducted the data research, has been nominated for the Carla Atzema Soroptimistprijs, an award for an outstanding journalistic project on the position and rights of women. You can vote now! The nominated article on the sexism that female political representatives have to

Utrecht Data School joins CDH

Starting March 1st, 2022, Utrecht Data School (UDS) will become part of the Centre for Digital Humanities (CDH) at Utrecht University under the joint deanship of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities.  Investigating the implications of AI and datafication for our digital society requires concerted interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary efforts. Over the past years, UDS developed collaborative projects with societal

CDH@RUG presents: Digital Hands ON webinar series – Discussing the handling of historical texts through DH tools

Digital Hands ON is the new webinar series of the Groningen Centre for Digital Humanities, highlighting new tools and methods. Historical texts are crucial across Humanities fields, and a variety of digital methods both enhance and expand our possibilities for studying, exploring, editing, and manipulating them. This series brings together scholars and researchers from different domains to

Become an eScience Center Fellow

The Netherlands eScience Center is looking for individuals who have the ambition to promote or improve the use of research software within their organization or discipline. They invite them to apply to become an eScience Center Fellow. Deadline to apply is April 11, 2022. This Fellowship is aimed at those who want to make a difference

AI Labs call to action – new deadlines for 2022

AI Labs has issued a second call to action for new project ideas, with 1 March 2022 as the deadline. About AI Labs AI Labs are a collaborative fund from the faculties of Science, Geosciences and Humanities. Utrecht University encourages more collaborative, transdisciplinary, long-term and sustainable research projects with public and private organisations. With the