CDH Interview: How did we perceive animals and plants in the Netherlands over the past centuries? Language model GysBERT assists with mapping it out

How did a sixteenth-century Dutch inhabitant experience the animals and plants around him? And how did that change in the centuries that followed? When did the rabbit change from food into pet and the horse from means of transportation into pleasure animal? Literary texts, scientific texts and folk tales, in particular, offer a unique glimpse

Quantitative research design meetings for humanities staff

The ‘Quantitative research design meetings’ meetings – organized and hosted by Statistical Advisor Kirsten Schutter– are meant for humanities staff that is interested in or is struggling with the quantitative component of their research designs. During this meetings researchers can present and discuss their ideas. According to textbooks on research methodology, doing quantitative research is supposed to

Quantitative research design meetings for humanities staff

The ‘Quantitative research design meetings’ meetings – organized and hosted by Statistical Advisor Kirsten Schutter– are meant for humanities staff that is interested in or is struggling with the quantitative component of their research designs. During this meetings researchers can present and discuss their ideas. According to textbooks on research methodology, doing quantitative research is supposed to

CDH online lecture: An introduction to Automatic Speech Recognition

During this hybrid lecture, Arjan van Hessen, researcher language and speech technology, will talk about the possibilities of using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). He will explain the (im)possibilities of the current speech recognizers, how ASR works and what will (hopefully) change in the coming months. Automatic Speech Recognition – having spoken language recognized and processed

CDH Workshop: Basics of Statistics – Hands-on training day for humanities staff OUD

Data are becoming increasingly important in the humanities. In this one day course, intended for researchers and teachers in the humanities, you will learn the basics of statistical data analysis. This hands-on training day will be given by professor Hugo Quené and research and education assistant Kirsten Schutter. They will start with core concepts: sample, data. Next, they will

CDH Workshop: Getting started with network visualization – introductory Gephi course for humanities staff

In this workshop, Jeroen Bakker, junior researcher at Utrecht Data School, and Sander Prins, teaching and research assistant, will introduce you to network analysis and visualization using Gephi. After this hands-on session, you will be able to conduct a network research on a large dataset. Networks are all around us. The relationship between friends on Facebook, money