From January 2023, the Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours will shift from Wednesdays to Thursdays. The time from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs will remain the same. All humanities staff and students are welcome to visit the Digital Humanities Walk-in Hours for face-to-face advice about all kinds of questions related to research data, digital humanities software, Python, statistics and R.
Do you have questions about creating datasets, sharing them or data security? Struggling with your Python script? Looking for a suitable digital tool to use for your research project? Do you have questions on how to analyse your data with R?
During the DH Walk-in hours, a scientific developer from the Digital Humanities Lab, a member from Research Data Management (RDM) Support and a DH specialist of the University Library will be present to answer your questions. Every fourth Thursday of the month a statistical advisor will also be present.
Every Thursday from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs, starting January 12 until June 29, 2023.
The Living Lab Digital Humanities, located in the University Library City Centre, Drift 27, Room 0.32.
For whom?
The walk-in hours are open for all staff members and students within the Faculty of Humanities. You are welcome with all your questions, from beginner to advanced level.
Not in Utrecht? Join digitally
Are you unable to be physically present in Utrecht on Thursdays? It is also possible to visit the Walk-in Hours digitally. Each live Walk-in Hour consultation is accompanied by a Teams meeting session, which you are welcome to join. Through this link you will automatically join the next Teams meeting of the Walk-in Hours.
Is this day or time inconvenient for you? It is also possible to schedule a separate appointment with one of our digital humanities advisors through
Would you like a tour of the Living Lab Digital Humanities and hear about the possibilities this space has to offer? Contact the Digital Humanities Support Team through